For an experience based business, video is about sales and a branding.
Video is a great way to communicate what an in-person experience is like for your customers.
A solid video can help potential visitors see themselves at your local business, encouraging them to hop in the car and head through your doors.
This might be especially true of experiential activities like axe throwing.
Iron Nation Axe throwing is settled in Barrie, Ontario. They offer axe and knife throwing sessions for everyone.
A well-crafted video will make a powerful brand impact before the viewer has even walked through your door.
Your Brand is a Feeling
We wanted this video to showcase the feeling you get when you throw an axe at Iron Nation. The fact is, you feel like a badass - we know the feeling - they let us throw plenty of axes and knives throughout the night.
Multiple elements combine to tell one story in this video. Low-key lighting, music, sound design, slow motion, speed ramping all combine to create a brand video that gives the viewer a glimpse at what the experience might be like for them.