Video & Photo for Construction Documentation
Video & Photo Construction Documentation
Ehvert Engineering is a Toronto based design and construction engineering firm. They use cutting edge technology to design, plan, and build. We were hired to film and photograph this construction process, both for documentation as well as sales and marketing.
We kept our equipment list pretty light most days, but also used time lapse and motion time lapse during key moments of the construction.
There are lots of moving parts on a large scale construction project like this one. Video and Photography combined are a great way to document the process and to keep key stakeholders informed along the way. It also creates fantastic sales materials when it comes time to show a potential client what your construction agency or engineering firm is capable of.
Ehvert Engineering is a full-service Engineering and Construction company based in Toronto. The Portage team was hired by Ehvert in 2012 to document the construction of a data centre. We documented the entire building process with photography and video, providing them with high quality photography updates for their client. We later collaborated with the Ehvert team to define their primary communication goals, filmed interviews and edited multiple videos for use in illustrating their abilities to future clients.
Motion Controlled Video for Timelapse
You might notice as you watch the videos from this project, that we have some time-lapses in which the camera moves slowly during the duration of the time lapse. This is called motion time lapse. We achieved this effect using the Kessler Second Shooter - a robotic slider which allows for pre-programming smooth motion over long periods of time. We also use this piece of equipment in a lot of our interviews to add a some interest in the frame.
The Kessler Second Shooter can be used to capture subtle motion like this - during an interview. It can also be used to capture longer time-lapse videos over a set length of time as shown during the crane lift in our first video in this case study.
Establishing a Clear Value Proposition
Some things can be explained effectively through writing or speaking.
Some things need to be shown in order to effectively communicate to your audience.
In this case, Ehvert Engineering wanted to explain quickly and effectively their abilities with 3D modelling, building design, and construction implementation.
This video shows how the 3D design was used on location during the construction process to help keep each of the trades on the same page, and the project on time and on budget.
These are details that matter to any stakeholder invested in a project of this scale, and in the first 30 seconds of this video it’s clear that Ehvert is a leader in the field of this technology.